Friday, December 26, 2008

one page bio

Hello, hello. I hope everyone's Christmas was as awesome as mine. I wanted to share something with you that I'm proud of. Early today I applied for a job and they requested a one page bio in addition to my resume. The following is what I wrote them...Please to enjoy.

Enclosed you will find my resume, but also would like to tell you a little about myself. People would call me a jack-of-all-trades and a master of some =) They mostly call me that because I pay them to, but it also has to do with the experiences I've had. Early on in my college career I found that with a Communications degree I could do so many things, so I decided not to stick to one area, but to sample from the buffet of media.

The Adventures of Chris Della Valle, that's me by the way, started in early 2000's when he attended the Community College of Southern Nevada as a doe eyed freshman with the world on a string, and not a care in the world. Deciding not the follow in the family trade, both parents have teaching degrees, Young Della Valle set out to make it rich in the world of broadcasting. Little did he know about the perils of the broadcasting world, but that is a story for another time. While attending CCSN Chris worked at the Coyote Press where he mostly wrote movie reviews, but occasionally got the call to do a feature or two. His love for Journalism carried over when he graduated from the minors, and transferred to UNLV. There the young wordsmith got the opportunity to write about what he loved, that of course being sports. Anything and everything sports related fell in the lap of Chris. From swimming and softball, to Baseball and Basketball, Della Valle reported on them all.

Graduating from UNLV in the summer of '06, the newly crowned Communications Ace, decided to devote his time to another area of media, and turn his back on the printed word. He started work full time at CBS radio, there Chris soaked up everything people were willing to teach him. He learned so much and had a few adventures while working there as well, but once again that is a story for another time. The marriage of Chris and Radio was a happy one, and he thought that was where the story ended.

It didn't. Like most marriages, Chris' ended in divorce just over a month ago. Reeling, the once Communications Ace, was in disarray, not knowing what to do. but then a friend from the past decided to pay him a visit, that friend being the printed word. Dusting off his keyboard and thesaurus, Chris decided to take another crack at print media.

No one knows what the future holds for Chris Della Valle, but one thing’s for sure, it will be interesting.

The End

Hopefully you got as much a kick reading this as I did writing it. If you have any question my resume has my contact info. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

-Chris Della Valle

1 comment:

Lucyah said...

I love how you look @ things. You have such a refreshing point of view and a gift for story telling. I love reading your blog!!

me :0)