Monday, December 15, 2008

Let it snow let it snow...

Holy Frozen Ice sickles Bat-man! It's snowing in Vegas. For that last couple of days I've been receiving Intel that Jack Frost has broken through the northern Nevada defenses and planned a massive attack on the Las Vegas valley code-named "powdered doughnut" for sometime Monday morning. I've heard this crazy talk before, so I didn't put too much stock into what I heard. But to my surprise I woke up this morning with a higher level of apprehension than I usually do. After wiping the sleep from my eyes I picked up my phone to check my messages. "You have 12 new messages," a flirtatious robotic voice informed me, the first one was from my brother,Frank. "Chris whatever you do, Do NOT go outside! I woke up this morning and took a look outside and all I saw was a blanket of pure white. I don't know what to do man! Call me back."

Dropping my phone to the ground I climbed on my bed to take a look outside, the other messages could wait, I had more important things to look into. How could I allow this to happen? Why wasn't I more diligent in keeping Vegas safe?? Has it been so long since my first run in with a low pressure system? Have I really forgotten the El Nino incident of 1997*?? As I peered through my blinds, I realized my worst dreams coming true.


I could feel the cold boney fingers of winter crawling through the window pane and poking me in the face and I knew that it was only going to get worse. At least 1" of frozen foot solders on the ground, and I watch thousands upon thousands parachuting in to join their cold compadres. It was hard to tear myself away from the window, but I knew I couldn't sit here and watch my beloved city be overrun by and army of arctic assassins, I had to do something.

After taking a long hot shower, I figured I should at least be warm and comfortable one more time before going into battle, I called Frank, *Ring* *Ring* "Come on Frankie, answer the damn phone." As soon as the words left my mouth I heard the phone click over to voicemail, "You've reached Frank the Tank, leave a message." Ok Not Good, I need to get out there and look for him, was the only thing racing through my mind as I heard that oh so familiar beep, and hung up the phone.

If I was to get out there and find my brother, I was going to need to arm myself, but would the weapons in my
armory still work?? I haven't used them in over 10 years, I guess a part of me, a big part, never wanted to have to use them again.

Walking out the the armory a.k.a the garage I took a quick mental inventory of what I was going to need. As I opened the door to the armory, I could feel the sub-zero breath of my adversary engulf me. This is going to be harder than I thought, J.F.'s powers are getting stronger and stronger, and I'm way out of practice.

Taking a deep breath I stepped into the armory determined not to stop until I found my brother, or froze trying. My courage slowly starting coming back when I saw that my snow blower still had a half a tank of gas. This is the most valuable piece of my equipment in my fight against Jack Frost and his frosty forces. My shovel still looked like it could dish out some punishment. And I knew luck was on my side when I found my bandoleer with a dozen salt grenades in them.

Now that I'm fully equip, I want to leave a message to the outside word, warning all that reads this how to protect themselves and their loved ones from J.F.

-Layers- Layers are important to protect you from the bitter cold as well as the water dispelled from the bodies of the fallen. If you do it right, the fallen will be many.

-A red Santa Hat- Wearing one will confuse J.F.'s air forces. They will mistake you for Santa Himself.

-A full bladder- Recent studies show that by turning the snow yellow, the forces become paralyzed and show signs of cowardice.

If I don't make it, tell Jessica Alba I love her.

"Snow" no mercy,

Chris "bowl full of jelly" D.

*El Nino incident of 1997- To show his power, El Nino decided to make an example of Las Vegas' Champion. With his mystical powers of high and low pressure systems, and sudden warm and cold front, he was able to get past the immune system and harm Las Vegas' champion, Chris D. Not able to crush the spirit of C.D., El Nino signed a treaty with Mayor Goodman saying that he and his forces stay away from Las Vegas, for no less than 15 calender years.

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