Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through my home

My family began their fast, their tummies did groan

This has been tradition for many of years,

even though when I was young it brought on many tears

But it would be worth it on this turkey day

Cause I am to turkey as a cow is to hay

When I sit down to begin my thankful feast

It won't be pretty no not in the least

Turkey and stuffing piled high on my plate,

And when I'm done with all that pumpkin pie does await.

When it is all said and done the sight will be grim

Cause I'll have gained five pounds, now it's off to the gym.



Nick Della Valle said...

Applause! Applause!

So off to the gym
Scurry! Don't you be late
You gotta get back 108

Lucyah said...

You and I both....we always over eat, however it is the best day of the whole year!

Keep up the blog...I miss when you don't write. :0)