Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Pirates!

Captain "Cook" log entry 256

The morn was looking promising this Thanksgiving; football was on the tube, the turkey was in the oven, and I was ready to embark on a voyage through the Mashed potato isle to Cranberry coast, when tragedy struck...Food Pirates!!!!!

For years now my contribution to my family's Thanksgiving feast was the garlic mashed potatoes. My Niece and I had the process down pat. We knew who was going to mash, peel, chop, and stir. To my amazement, most years they were actually edible.

This year Tragedy struck!!! Pirates overthrew mine and Amore's operation and not just any Pirate, the Dread Pirate Sookie sailed into the kitchen and demanded surrender.

Sauteed Sook, as she is known around the world, decided that our GMP's weren't up to snuff and made some of her own. I don't know if it was because she sauteed the garlic instead of chopping it, or the fact that they were GMP's made with love, but they weren't the same.

But this isn't the end of the S.S. chop and peel. We will regroup and comeback next year with a fiery vengeance.

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