Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Calvin got a job!

Hello hello. I know it's been awhile since my last post but a lot has been going on since then. Most of my time has been occupied by watching team Japan defend their title in the World Baseball Classic, Nepan Japan!!!! Also I've been busting my hump looking for a job. Glad to say hard work pays off. After four months of swinging my axe at the unemployment tree, it finally fell. Today I was offered a position at Majestic Behavioral Health as a Basic Skills Trainer/After School Program Staff, yes I know it's quite a mouthful.

Basically I help children with behavioral issues learn basic skills, help them with home work, and be kind of a mentor to them. Orientation is next Tuesday, so I'll be sure to keep you posted on how that goes. I don't know if I'm excited or nervous about the new position, but a wise man once told me that excitement and nervousness are the same emotion labeled differently, so I guess in that case I'm excited =)

Thank the Lord I found a job before baseball season started, cause I know my determination will falter once the Cubs start playing.

Keep on Keepin on,

Chris "Gainfully Employed" D.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Round two

In this corner standing in at an astounding 3 feet 10 1/2 inches weighing in at a robust 116lbs, Chris "Can't Miss" Della Valle! And in this corner weighing a combined weight of 1 1/2 tons, Foods Chris shouldn't be eating!!!!

That's right loyal Candorteers, it is time for me to once again get my eating habits under control and drop a few pounds. In order to do this I'm bringing back Project Sexified.

Project Sexified was developed by a team of Swedish scientists and it's purpose was to help people get away from all the negative thoughts and attitudes when dieting. It was first used in 1894 when the Sweed's shifted from Halibut to Super Models as their main export. The success of P.S. spread into most of Europe by 1948. Germany was the only exception because of Project Sexified's translation into German, Ninsexabloutan, which means No Sex for you. Clearly you can see why it never caught on.

Their are five phases to Project Sexified which have no set timetable for advancement. You body will tell you when it is time to move on, or jump back to the appropriate phase. I've listed the 5 phases below just in case anyone wants to join the project with me.

Thank you and good night.

Phase 1. Be able to walk up the stairs without going into cardiac arrest

Phase 2. Get up and go to the gym at least 4 times a week

Phase 3.The phrase live fat die happy is not acceptable a daily calorie count should be implemented

Phase 4. Cut out unnecessary calories like soda, beer, alcohol, and candy.


Monday, March 9, 2009

a little pick me up

So today, much like any other day, I got up at the crack of noon to check my email. Well after sifting through the forwarded blond jokes and funny motivational posters I read an email that stuck with me. I wanted to share it and add a little to it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

HOW TO FAIL (SO YOU CAN SUCCEED) Failure is inevitable - it's part of the learning process, heck it's a part of life. I don't know a single person who learned how to ride a bike without crashing along the way. The key is to fail fast, fail often, and get back up. But remember to GET BACK UP!!!

1. FAIL FAST Once you have a basic understanding of what you're trying to master, you need to take off the training wheels. Don't waste time trying to learn every little detail before you get started...That's called stalling. You're going to learn as much from your first crash as you did from reading the manual.

2. FAIL OFTEN In order to accelerate your learning you need to keep trying. As a result, you're going to fail more often. This sounds bad, but trust me it's a good thing.The more you fail the more you try, which means you're that much closer to succeeding. No matter how outrageous your goal sounds keep at it. The following passage is from Og Mandino's book, The Greatest Saleman in the World...If I stumble I will rise and my falls will not concern me for everyone must stumble often to reach their goal. Only a worm is free from stumble. I an NOT a worm. I am not a sheep. Let others build a cave with their clay. I will build a castle with mine...

3. GET BACK UP The only thing you really need to be profitable, in a job or in life, is PERSISTENCE. It's the common thread that all successful affiliates share. Don't be afraid to try again after you've failed.

"Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Woohoo I'm a professional

So I woke up this morning, well ok this afternoon, to find that someone bought one of my articles that I posted on Helium. Which makes me a professional =) because by definition a professional is anyone who gets paid for a service and I got paid a whopping $5 bucks for my service. If you want to take a look at the little money maker click here -------> http://www.helium.com/items/1284807-comic-book-recommendations-for-people-who-dont-like-comic-books