Thursday, February 5, 2009

It takes a village

The following is an urgent message written by CandorCorner's own...Chris Della Valle

Help I need somebody, not just anybody, Heeellllllpppp!!! Sorry I had that song stuck in my head all day and the only way for me to get rid of it was to pass it along to you. In all seriousness I do need your help. As you know I've been unemployed for over two months now and was doing my best to stay on top of my game when it came to looking for work. Today I took a turn for the worst, I got bitten by the lazy bug or the inactiveus sittingonbuttus if you prefer the Latin name. For the first time in a long time I didn't do anything to help my situation, and I'm nervous that it might happen again.

What I need from you is to keep me accountable. Ask me if I did anything productive today, and if I didn't give me a healthy dose of crap. Remember a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion...well you get the idea.



1 comment:

Nick Della Valle said...

Go to the local newspaper and ask if they will let you write a column for free about your's an experience that over a half a million people across America are having!

They need to know someone cares and understands and they need to be given encouragement to keep moving and you're the guy to do it!

You may start a trend...positive journalism!